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What Is The Purpose Of Life?

Perhaps some of you know the answer to this question: What is the meaning of life? Why do we exist? What is our purpose and what should we strive to achieve in our lives? I believe I have found my own answer, and I personally believe that there is no definitive right or wrong answer.

Each individual leads their own unique life and holds their own perspective on life. I sincerely wish that you are in good health and making the most of your life. Many of us strive for joy and happiness, which I believe is the ultimate achievement in life.

Each one of us are unique in our own way, such is our DNA. We are not copies of anybody else and we have the capacity to use our power within to make a difference in the world. The question would be to figure out the way of finding what it is that makes us us.

What is my purpose? What is yours? To find out we need to enter in connection with our deeper self and we can do this with the use of breathing techniques, healthy lifestyle and meditation. It is important to understand that we are beings made of flesh, bones, and blood, but we also have energy that makes us alive. Without this energy we would not be able to move, talk, or function. When we connect to this source within us, then we can connect to our purpose. It may not be simple at first, but with training you can discover your true nature.

Your mind is what creates thoughts and ideas, but you can control these thoughts and ideas. You can master your emotions, feelings, sensations, with the use of breathing and meditation. It may not be something that will happen fast, it will take time for you to feel the effects of these ancient practices. But the more you train the more you will get closer to that source that is you. You need to let go of your self importance, free yourself from the Ego, the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing.

To liberate yourself from stress, expectations, and anticipations is to liberate yourself from judgment and disappointment, allowing you to live more freely and with greater ease. When we hold expectations, we often suffer due to uncertainty about the future. Therefore, release your expectations, be patient, and observe how things unfold.

Start living from the heart and use less of your mind. Connect to your own power present in you, each day, the essence that keeps you alive. Smile and enjoy that moment as you breathe and meditate. Follow my course to train your mind if you like to learn new skills, valuable for you. Unblock your potential, it resides in all of us. Awaken to your true self, do mindful things each day, it can be as simple as looking at the beauty of a flower.

By getting closer to nature, you will strengthen your connection to your own essence. Remember, you are an integral part of nature, not separate from it. This closeness will bring a sense of tranquility to your mind, relaxation to your body, and inner peace to your being. I believe this experience surpasses the chaos of loud bars and meaningless conversations. It is more fulfilling than mindlessly scrolling through Netflix or keeping up with the news. To achieve this state of harmony, be mindful of what you consume, whether it be information or food. Opt for nourishing, fresh food and surround yourself with individuals who inspire and invigorate you.

The more often you do enjoyable things in your life such as hobbies, dancing, chanting, creating art, reading books, doing sports, watching animals in their natural environment, express yourself other then with Facebook or Instagram or these video games all day….Oh, I urge you!....Is there anything else you can do for yourself during the day or night? Think about it. Think about past generations and how they spend their childhood. Computers did not exists. Cell phones did not exists. They were happy doing other things. Avoid material addiction, avoid toxicity in drinks and drugs and enjoy life as naturally as you can. Get in touch with the essence of who you are. Enjoy the simplest things. Remind yourself of how lucky you are to be healthy and breathing! At last carry with you love and light always. Namaste.


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