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Mindful Practice of Calm Breath Awareness.

The aim of this blog is to help you break free from the constant busyness of excessive daily thought patterns, so that you can experience positive outcomes in your mind, body, and spirit.

Maybe you have noticed that at times your thoughts can accumulate, possibly to the point where this ongoing pattern of thinking transforms into a troubling, anxiety-inducing form of persistent mental chatter. Alternatively, you might acknowledge the overwhelming urge of your mind to scrutinize, assess, and revisit specific life occurrences repeatedly. When we experience this, it can seem like we are getting stuck or ensnared in an unending loop of our own mental processes, without any apparent signs of respite.

The continuous replaying and overthinking of our life events is referred to as rumination, which is associated with chronic anxiety and depression. Fortunately, there is a positive solution to these rumination habits through the practice of mindfulness meditation. By learning relatively simple and easy techniques, you can effectively train your conscious mind to shift towards a more productive, pleasant, and emotionally detached state. Ultimately, the goal is to automatically alter the emotional aspects of anxiety, stress, and worries that we experience and envision for ourselves.

Let us begin our practice together:

Start to position yourself comfortably in Sukasana easy pose, Ardha Padmasana (half locust) or Padmansana (full locust), relax your body, play my recording and close your eyes.

Listen to the audio: Guided Meditation For Calm and Breath Awareness.

Recognize that you are beyond your thoughts and reactions. There is a genuine aspect of yourself that simply observes, watches, and witnesses. You can effortlessly and instinctively shift your focus back to your mind, choosing to stay mindful in the current moment.

You can remain in this mindful state as long as you wish.

I wish you all the best for the present and the future. Sending love and light your way.


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