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Ayahuasca Journey

An extraordinary Ayahuasca experience awaits as the revered indigenous Shaman from the “Cofán tribe” in Southern Columbia brings their transformative and spiritual journey to Europe, offering Westerners the opportunity to discover this ancient and healing medicine.

Shaman Andres Criollo hails from a lineage of shamans and has inherited the sacred knowledge of healing from his ancestors, grandfather, and father. His own grandmother serves as the guardian of the aye (Ayahuasca). The tribe gathers Chacruna and the Vine from the depths of the safeguarded Amazonian forest.

It was a great privilege for me to receive the invitation from the shaman to visit the tribe in the Amazon and encounter the renowned "Jaguar Shaman," who is the most esteemed elder shaman in Colombia and holds the highest spiritual position among the Cofán community.

The Ayahuasca concoction is meticulously and lovingly prepared over long hours, and sometimes days, in the jungle with songs and prayers. The ceremony occurs in the Maluka, a dimly lit ceremonial room with only a few candles, starting around 10 pm and ending in the early morning. The final dose of Ayahuasca is consumed by 2 am at the latest, always preceded by a brief prayer before the ceremony commences.

Just a small glass is sufficient to experience the effects of the sacred medicine, which will linger in your system for hours. The potency of the aye spirit present in the medicine varies depending on the type of vine used; some of the most exceptional varieties include the “Jaguar Yage,” the “Lucero Yage” (meaning "bright star"), and the “Gold Yage.”

During the ceremony, the shaman typically leads by whistling, singing songs, and offering prayers. Musical instruments like the harmonica, drums, and guitar are commonly incorporated into the rituals. Following the ceremony, the shaman employs the Guaira to purify the body and mind of the patient or disciple, providing them with peace and protection.

Following an extensive discussion with shaman Andres, it is believed that there are approximately 2000 Cofán individuals remaining (in contrast to the 15,000 population since the 16th century), with an average of around 2800 members of the ethnic tribe living in Colombia and Ecuador. The majority of the indigenous communities have suffered significant losses due to mining and oil exploration, as well as disease and violence.

Through the combined efforts of local communities and humanitarian organizations, approximately 4000 square meters of rainforest were successfully brought under legal protection. Additionally, they established local school facilities for the youth in the area. The Cofán tribes continue to serve as the genuine and distinctive protectors of the forest to this day.

Visiting Putumayo, Colombia has been a significant experience in my life, especially as I report directly from the Amazon. Stay tuned for more details in my upcoming blog post titled "The Amazon."

I am grateful to my friends and shamans for introducing me to the sacred healing power of Ayahuasca, cleansing both my soul and body. I appreciate your companionship during this transformative journey and for your unwavering care and support.

May you be blessed with light and, above all, love.


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